As many of you will know, The Triangle is owned by a charity, registered with the Charity Commission as a “Charitable Incorporated Organisation” (CIO). The charity has two trustees – myself (Ashley Tanton) and Andy Maguire. The trustees are legally responsible for the running of the charity, including its finances and any assets (I.e., the land itself).
Andy and I set up the charity and, with the support of previous trustees Jill and Jim, successfully raised the funds needed to secure the site and complete on the purchase.
Having reached that milestone, we are looking to recruit new trustees who will take the project forward to the next milestone – creating an open and accessible public space.
The Charity’s charitable objects mandate that the site must be open to the community but how that stage is reached is up to the trustees. So really, the site is a blank canvas.
The challenges for the new trustees will be securing listed building consent for the wall repairs, securing funding for the wall repairs and generally creating the garden. The reward for that work will be seeing the transformation of the site.
If you are interested in becoming a trustee, we suggest you first read “The Essential Trustee” over at (linked below) then email us via or message us through our Facebook page.
If you have contacted us previously about becoming a trustee, you don’t need to respond to this ad as we will contact you separately.…/the-essential-trustee-what-you-need-to…
Please note that, as well as any statutory requirements described in the link, it is a condition of the charity’s public liability insurance that trustees “have not been convicted, or charged but not yet tried, of any criminal offence other than a motoring offence” and “have not been declared bankrupt, disqualified from acting as a company director, gone through insolvent liquidation or been the subject of receivership or an administration order” so please bear this in mind before you consider the role.